@markmhx You can check the events below - start_unlock - complete_unlock
@markmhx The issue is that the unlock duration exists only if the unlock is successful and the user has waited enough time. Users facing this issue won't be visible in...
From the technical point of view, we removed the Gaia fetch months ago. Therefore Gaia fetch is not the cause of this slow unlock. As I argued before, the variance...
@markmhx You can also create a proof of concept with tweaked param and give them to the affected users before committing anything
@andresgalante The direct DB connection we discussed yesterday is not related to this issue. This current issue is about showing something rather than nothing when there is an API outage....
Yes with the CSR everything will be cached by default. It's already the case for many calls now, we just have a few more to tackle (what I am working...
It's not exactly the same but this #730 needs #759 to be done first.
Yes the move to CSR fixes the problem stated. We will eventually move later to websockets but for different reasons.
I think this is because it was not included in the main chain (the longest chain) which can happen sometimes. This transaction has therefore been 'dropped'
Thanks for the explanation, this makes sense! Since we have the info from the api that the tx is 'dropped_stale_garbage_collect' we could very well display a better message than 'not...