Leo Ma

Results 274 comments of Leo Ma

That means the CRUD is all right. You can define your own content that you want to store on NVM or flash storage.

`有一次` should be close to the segmentation of `一次` (not `有一` because it is not a word in Chinese) and `第一次` should be close to the segmentation of `第一`.

Well it is really confusing when you first learn Chinese on `一`, `不` and double 3rd tone. Let me show you the rough rule on `一` base on sentences above....

That is right for what you have learned.

`一线希望` can be regarded as a regular word in such case while `一线城市` should be segmented as `一`, `线` and `城市`. That is why Chinese always drives you mad.

I do not think one can do Chinese Pinyin conversion totally correct. There are no rules but conventions. A enoumous pinyin dictionary is indisensable in such issue. That is what...

I have found a well designed Chinese pinyin dictionary from [espeak](http://espeak.sourceforge.net/data/index.html) with 21567 single characters plus 36098 compound exceptions (includes 332 added 'yi' and 10720 added 'bu' exceptions, and 9713...

I am afraid I am not sure whether shall I pick your commit into this project since there are other users using it. Maybe it is better you keep this...

