Matt Lloyd Jones
Matt Lloyd Jones
Hi there, @nealhaddaway and I just tried running some old code ( and got exactly the same error. CrossRef doesn't seem to be down right now. Any ideas what's causing...
Sorry I was rushing there - I meant to say it's an excellent package, please and thank you in advance! 😊
Hi Ben Would it be possible to make a quick mention of the default 'keeping chloroplasts' behaviour and how to remove them in the DADA2 tutorial, please? Would just flag...
Hi Wolfgang. Thanks for the quick response. So currently metafor::escalc outputs yi and vi, but not the treatment/control group sample sizes used to calculate the effect size. This would be...
Ah yes, of course, this rings a bell now, thanks! In binding them to dataframes in my pipeline I forgot because the 'ni' attribute was lost...would it be possible to...
Yeah, I know it's quite a slight feature change request, but in my mind, it would be nice to have the yi/vi/ni outputted as one dataframe (ni can remain an...
No prob, thanks for getting on it so fast!
Hi Luke, Cool thanks for clarifying. Yes, a tricky one. I'll just stick to my manual fix for now then. Will leave it up to you as to whether you...