I have a similar, possibly related issue. I can open a PDF file, and I can edit it. But when I close Adobe Reader, it says "Document saved", however, it...
Thanks for your suggestions! I tried your first one, and it didn't change anything. I didn't try your second suggestion because I'm not sure where "fileEntry" is coming from. Here's...
Would love to try this out, but I'm still not sure where "fileEntry" is defined in your example. What is that referring to? Should that be "dirEntry" instead?
so I've changed the code a bit and I seem to have made some progress, but I keep getting a code: 9 on copyTo. According to this it means...
1- I'm not sure I follow you here. I think I get the idea. We're trying to copy the file from the same directory it's already in, to the same...
Thanks for all the help, I definitely appreciate it. It seems like an OS issue. We've tried on about 5 different tablets now, and it always works on 5.1.1, but...
For anyone else coming across this problem. It seems to us that this is a plugin problem with Android versions post Lollipop. Every other version afterwords has this problem. Not...