
Results 5 comments of 方长

I also encountered the same problem. After setting connectNulls, it was indeed continuous, but when the amount of data was large, some areas showed discontinuity。 ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13111739/138217726-171f3067-eba7-4b69-85b7-bcb3095aa14f.png) When I use the...

> 请问下,支付宝小程序开发者工具出现这样的提示,用的是vue3,开发者工具版本试过v3.8.21和v3.6.1,本地node版本用过v16.20.2和v18.20.2,可能是什么原因呢?运行 vue3 的示例demo也会出现类似报错,但微信开发者工具运行正常。 > > ``` > > > [52265:0x102d17000] 138801 ms: Scavenge 4081.3 (4102.2) -> 4080.6 (4102.2) MB, 7.2 / 0.0 ms (average mu = 0.286, current mu...

@LeeZChuan 从上面报错来看,可能是 canvas 节点还未渲染完成。可以尝试在调用 refresh 方法外,套一层 setTimeout 异步加载进行一下功能验证。例如: ```javascript setTimeout(()=>{ // 初始化图表 // ... echartComponentInstance.refresh(); }) ```

钉钉小程序目前还没有做适配,欢迎提交 PR。

> resolve 'vue-demi' in '/Users/sunqixiong/project/GitHub/echarts4taro3/examples/demo-vue3/src/pages/ecchart' Parsed request is a module using description file: /Users/sunqixiong/project/GitHub/echarts4taro3/examples/demo-vue3/package.json (relative path: ./src/pages/ecchart) Field 'browser' doesn't contain a valid alias configuration resolve as module > >...