I can't find this in any documentation. How does autojump know what file manager to run? I want to change the default on my system to use midnight commander? Thanks.
BEGIN_QUOTE is exported to a literal block. In Org Mode, BEGIN_EXAMPLE corresponds to literal blocks, not BEGIN_QUOTE: BEGIN_QUOTE is just for indenting. The equivalent in rst is a quote...
Context: I use Pelican ( for my static site generator. It takes in several input formats (rst, md, etc). I write my posts in rst, but really want to use...
Can we disallow certain characters from being part of the filename? As an example I recently made a title that ended with a question mark. Deft could not handle it...
Any way to limit the candidates to nodes with certain properties? (I do need to see the entry content while doing the helm search, so I suppose helm-org-ql is not...
When I try the cmdserver in Windows, I get: `apply: Searching for program: No such file or directory, sh` I'm pretty sure Mercurial does have a cmdserver in Windows. Any...
The following code doesn't work: ``` class CommodityType(object): """ A generic commodity type. """ def __init__(self, symbol): self.symbol = symbol # @contract(other=CommodityType) def __eq__(self, other): return self.symbol == other.symbol ```...
Would it be possible to itemize what needs to be done to get this working on Windows? Perhaps others can work on porting it to Windows if they had a...
Is there something I can add to my config file to swap the completion selection mechanism with fzf? The idea is when you do, say, ls , the (standard) completion...
Is there a plan to release a version corresponding to 28.x?