Hello, another workaround is to 1. Create an Instance Group, of type "Container group" and with the `imagePullSecrets` in "Pod spec override" 2. Link your inventory to this Instance Group...
Hello! I can provide an helm chart to install Squest and its dependencies. What is the best way ? 1. HewlettPackard create a git repo to hosts this helm chart,...
ok, nice! I will publish an helm chart too. It's more K8s specific than ansible.
Agreed, the helm chart won't be enough for production. But peoples can deploy the helm chart using their tools/stack, like an ansible playbook (using kubernetes.core.helm module), or a gitops tool...
Hi! Thanks for the patch, but it doesn't fix the bug. In nextcloud log when I try to add a file in a sub directory: "File not found:" File...