
Results 64 comments of beep

+1 for Koa hot reload!

Wouldn't it be possible to generate directives in the schema to define constraints of fields? In case of input types we could have eg `@required` or similar to mark it...

Besides registering users it would also be great to have the ability to manage sign in of users eg. to have an admin exposed sign in API where the default...

I had the same problem. It seems that FileUpload's `uploadHtml5()` uses the wrong value for the `filename` in the multipart request. I fixed it with a `customAction` based on `uploadHtml5()`...

What's your idea about its use? Would you like to use it to replace some part of mst-gql (eg. the generator)?

I just took a look at it and following this guide it is quite easy to define a query using genql and then run it via mst-gql query: Assuming...

My current workaround is that I generate my mst-gql models in a separate module, compile using `"incremental": true` setting in `tsconfig.json` and import the compiled build into my main project....

I just tried 0.10.0 and actually there is something wrong with enum generation: both the model and the typescript type has the same name. Eg. for an enum `StatusEnum` there...

@chrisdrackett It seems that you changed something around this in the a222426e964d8f646774720ec04a2b1e851e8027 and 11e79aa548281874f437eaff2b103da9dd174499 commits. My version generated the `...Enum` and `...EnumModel` names but now you generate the same name...

Take a look at `tests/generator/generate.test.js`. There you test for this result: a typescript `enum InterestEnum` and an mst model/type `const InterestEnum`. Here we don't compile these with `tsc` but if...