what game are you playing ? You can try using the latest prerelease as suggested above.
@TheDog-GH if you're still having trouble you can read through this and see if you can figure out what asvitkine did. i'm not entirely sure
yea doesn't do it in 11440. SBR froze the game up in 12099 too. I've time to properly diagnose it as Dan Van suggested a while back with a similar...
yea that's what's happening. Real brief, maybe not even a second, but as I said above doesn't do it at all in 11440
just checked this on 2.5.22294 and it still happens. Pretty low priority but I'll leave it open since it's not fixed.
yea this one been around for a while. Probably low priority. You need to Player Enforce the rules here
hmm ... idky this is. The Doc folder is there with the image. Folder structure same as what I have. @Cestmoi02 have you encountered this ?
@asvitkine this means he's probably playing live in the lobby _calculating when it is not your turn_ Not 100% certain but it may also happen if using Edit. A lot...
@Raybeat3000 yea seen this before. The bomber can't hit the sub so it should be a stalemate. I would post it here as well