
Results 6 issues of Beaver

Since cnf (contentInfo) is a field only for CIN (contentInstance) why there is a cnd field also in "lookup" table? As a consequence if you try to create a CIN...

From commits descriptions: - new conf.json - winston logger - bug fixing - basic authentication … - users management and db - notification & http forwarding both HTTP and HTTPS...

available type option as in this example: ``` new L.Toolbar2.Control({ position: 'topleft', type: 'horizontal', /* alternative value: 'vertical' */ actions: [ MyToolbarAction1, MyToolbarAction2 ] }).addTo(map); ```

Is it possible to configure a proxy to carry out requests to endpoints?

I tried rhea node.js library and in particular this example example but obviously it's not working with RabbitMQ+plugin amqp1.0. On the contrary it works with several other AMQP 1.0...
