Mikhail Popov

Results 4 issues of Mikhail Popov

Hi! Very cool package, especially with the addition of parallel set diagrams. Thank you for making it! It'd be lovely to be able to add labels to the diagonals to...

Hi! First of all, huge congratulations on the first release! Very exciting!!! This isn't a critical issue since most (if not all) people are going to be using this library...

Adam Smith [tweets](https://twitter.com/anhsmith/status/1050560008104996864): "How about [LKJ](https://www.psychstatistics.com/2014/12/27/d-lkj-priors/)?" Fortunately there's already a density function for it in the [rethinking](https://github.com/rmcelreath/rethinking) package: https://rdrr.io/github/rmcelreath/rethinking/man/dlkjcorr.html

In #4 I suggested that the names of the horizon columns should be prefixed with `mlts_lead_`, so perhaps there should be some kind of argument that changes what the prefixes...