David Beal
David Beal
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Ne pas merger tant que sale_line_option n'est pas en v10 sur OCA (pour préserver le bon repo sur l'appstore)
@chafique-delli il semble que c'est pas bon là https://github.com/akretion/ak-odoo-incubator/blob/86e155cee0f32eadd112278e3bb3759e986d4c92/stock_default_warehouse_by_company/models/sale_stock.py#L15 SI un autre module herite de _get_default_warehouse() alors son comportement est ignoré. @sebastienbeau peux tu confirmer ?
Odoo Standard prevent to update units of measure in this condition: "New Unit of Measure must belong to same Unit of Measure category as of old Unit of Measure". This...
WIP, stay there for now
add modules: sale_option, sale_order_lot_mrp, sale_order_lot_generator
It seems 1.9.2 recipe does not include this commit https://github.com/anybox/anybox.recipe.odoo/commit/968735b9e8d0047454879e8e9a7e5e3361bd2a27 Is it possible to generate a new version with this commit ? Thanks a lot
## To reproduce I use recipe anybox.recipe.odoo-1.9.2 and https://github.com/anybox/anybox.recipe.odoo/pull/88 for v10 I also use `--dev` argument with option `all` Watchdog lib is installed, so server restart when file is modified....