anybox.recipe.odoo copied to clipboard
Odoo v10 --dev=all broken restart
To reproduce
I use recipe anybox.recipe.odoo-1.9.2 and for v10
I also use --dev
argument with option all
Watchdog lib is installed, so server restart when file is modified. path execution is:
/usr/bin/python bin/start_openerp --dev=all
but when server restart the path becomes:
python /workspace/parts/odoo/odoo-bin -c /workspace/etc/openerp.cfg --dev=all
So, all libs installed with buildout are no more available (like passlib)
How it should works
I suppose, we should keep the same path
The question is, how can we do that ?
Is there somebody in trouble with that ?
ping @archetipo @gracinet @StefanRijnhart
@bealdav thanks for reporting!
I'll have some try and let you know, also I've to finalized test on #88 I'm pretty sure after this issue resolved we are able to merge it!
Hi @bealdav ,
To restart, Odoo is killing the server process using SIGHUP signal, So I guess the system is reloading the process from where system forked the process which appear to be different from the entry point, I have never really use those functionalities. I'm wondering if that was working in earlier version with the recipe (was formerly --auto-reload option on odoo 8, isn't it?) ?
No I'm not sure it worked with old options. But new options seems to be flexible: use file system instead of db for views and reports
Ok thanks for report, I've planed to merge #88 on Friday anyway, If you have any idea to fix it feel free to create a PR.