Hey, man! So sorry I haven't had time to look at this. We've launched our product and I've been traveling. It's near the top of my to-do list. I'll hit...
My pleasure! Sent from my iPhone > On Mar 26, 2016, at 3:46 AM, Peter Mounce [email protected] wrote: > > Hi @beaknit - I just wanted to say thanks for...
Fantastic! Much appreciated. :-)
@dgomesbr - I'd love some help! :-)
Very cool! Hopefully we're saving a lot of typing. :-) Sent from my iPhone > On Jan 23, 2016, at 8:33 PM, aws-scripting-guy [email protected] wrote: > > Hi, I've done...
Loving this! Although I just built a fresh virtualenv for this and ran it. Got the following: `````` _ _ _ _ __ __ | | | | (_) |...
Also: Given how much you've put into this, why don't we take "Beaknit" out of the banner and just call it "Cform"? Seems like I'd be taking too much credit....
What versions of those libs in requirements.txt are you using?
No worries! I've been in the same boat for like 2 months. :-) On Wed, Oct 5, 2016 at 9:51 PM, Diego Magalhães [email protected] wrote: > Sorry for the delay,...