David Morcillo
David Morcillo
Hi there! We are currently using this gem in our project https://github.com/AjuntamentdeBarcelona/decidim and we found a bug when having descriptions with single quotes in the description like `s'explicarà `. I checked...
I found a nasty bug when trying to build the "Getting started - Building" section. When I tried to run `cargo build` on the "Build 6" step it didnt' work...
It looks like the `led::Display::new` method has changed the parameter order so the example is wrong. I am opening a PR! 😄
Hi there! I tried installing the `gcc-arm-embedded` package using `brew cask` but it looks like the formula doesn't exists anymore as pointed in here https://github.com/rust-embedded/book/issues/118 I installed it using `brew...