J. Nick Koston

Results 1005 comments of J. Nick Koston

`notAfter=Jun 18 18:10:31 2022 GMT` ... Looks like something was restored with an old cert. ``` $ openssl s_client -connect uploader.codecov.io:443 -showcerts CONNECTED(00000005) depth=2 C = US, O = Google...

Thanks for working on this. @feus4177 @asvetlov Is there a shot that support for digest auth is forthcoming any time soon?

if `hass.states[entity_id].attributes.color_mode === "color_temp"` is true its in color temp mode. You probably don't want to adjust the color temp slider based on the brightness value of the light as...

I've been running this in production for a while. I get more broken pipe errors with this change. Either there is a bug or its too fast that the data...

I think broke resume with the change

Added a test for resume

Spent another couple hours testing this and its all working great with bleak

Related previous PR https://github.com/altdesktop/python-dbus-next/pull/62 cc @rjarry in case you have any interest based on your previous PR

Above comments are for the future. I'm speculating on ways to speed it up a bit more, but anything else is going to be a much smaller improvement and can...

Still looks good ``` bdraco@Js-MacBook-Pro python-dbus-next % python3 bench/unmarshall.py Unmarshalling 1000000 bluetooth rssi messages took 13.812721209134907 seconds ```