
Results 11 comments of bdcoder2

Have you considered trying [Grid Clusterer?]( It would give you the flexibility to add / remove data points and redraw on whatever event you choose.

@TheAtomicOption - No problem, was just trying to provide other options... It is unfortunate that the original (and current) clusterer implementations chose to use the Marker as the underlying data...

Just my two cents worth -- this "problem" will likely persist as the original clusterers design was to use Marker objects as input. A better approach is to use "data-points"...

@[fgnass]( - Yes, by design, the grid clusterer has to remove (the smaller) grid points when cluster markers are built. The same goes when a cluster marker is clicked, the...

@fgnass - No problem - your modifications will result in a better visual experience and will save some CPU cycles. However, using map markers internally will always be more expensive...

I have reported the issue to the VS development team as well, see: [](, as this is driving me a bit crazy as well.

Agreed - this needs to be fixed, posted this on StackOverflow (12-Sep-2022) as well: []( @TimVanDyke - Thanks, corrected code (was missing a closing quote on the Text attribute): ```...

Input into any clusterer should **NOT** be based on Google Map Markers; which was a design flaw from the get-go as map markers should only be created for display in...

Has the above ever been resolved?? I am also TRYING to use **[RequiredScope( "whatever" )]** to decorate an API method - but the attribute does nothing - it seems to...

It is unfortunate that Marker objects were used as input to most clusterer solutions offered. A simple object containing a latitude, longitude and data key would cut down significantly on...