
Results 22 comments of 包布丁

I cannot reproduce this error even after a fresh clone of this repository. Could you try `cargo clean` and see if it works?

Try `cargo new` a new package, add `serde` into `dependencies, and see whether it compiles?

If possible, removing the whole `.cargo` directory may work I guess.

@kennykerr thanks for the explanation! However, I still have a concern about out parameters. I am not sure whether WinRT (or COM) requires pointees of out parameters properly initialized. If...

@kennykerr your answer perfectly addresses my concern. One last question, why is `items_array_size` unused?

In Rust we have [`from_raw_parts`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/slice/fn.from_raw_parts.html) and [`from_raw_parts_mut`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/slice/fn.from_raw_parts_mut.html). I guess this issue can be solved by using these functions?

> I don't want it to propagate May I know the reason not to do so?

Can we mimic the behavior when an exception is thrown in cppwinrt, like reporting the error via `RoOriginateLanguageException`?