
Results 6 issues of Bruno

I just tried building an image using a new M5 instance, which failed during a partitioning step. I see bootstrap-vz expects disks to be in the `/dev/xvd + letter` or...

Hi, I've been trying to deploy your application through the provided helm chart, but while it created all the users in my GitHub team on first run, they never get...

#### Issue details ##### Environment Running Kubernetes on AWS, provisioned by Kops 1.5.3 ``` Dashboard version: 1.5.0 Kubernetes version: 1.5.4 Operating system: Debian Node.js version: Not sure, running from ``...

help wanted

Hi, I set up a proxy yesterday, as a backend behind a internal Traefik proxy to transparently handle Google OIDC authentication to the Kubernetes Dashboard. After some searching and using...

Hi all, When trying to deploy the chart with the alpha antiAffinity set to hard, I get the following error: `Error: UPGRADE FAILED: error validating "": error validating data: ValidationError(StatefulSet.spec.template.spec.affinity.podAntiAffinity.requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution):...

Hi, Thanks to some quick help on Slack, I learned that I needed to upgrade to 2.4.0 to get incoming traffic from an ingress to recognize the override headers (cfr:...