- #241 - #239 - #240 - #255 - #306 - General code improvement. - Keep methods in fairly consistent order. - Update parameters and variable names, make sure they're...
- [ ] Verify all easter eggs are implemented. - [ ] Document some easter eggs as for some it is unclear what users they're actually meant to belong to,...
- Should be doable one world generation changes make it so there are ways to guarantee they'll be in open space.
- Should only work with Aether type curios accessories. - [ ] Allow certain entities to wear Aether accessories and benefit from their abilities if they exist. This would also...
This should include a link to a OneSky site to organize translation contributions, which we will have to setup after content completion.
See how many of them relate to update changes and are tied to newer methods that should be switched to. EDIT: A lot of them seem to be Mojang's weird...
Purposes - Explanations of what code does. - Explanations of what mixins do and where they are placed. - Explanations of math and what it's intended to do. - Explanations...
- [ ] Altar and Freezer recipes, with support for displaying custom fuels. - [ ] Incubators should have support to display eggs that can be incubated. - [ ]...
Enhancement: Find a better way of adding groups to vanilla recipes that doesn't involve replacing.
We replace some Minecraft recipes to add a group to them so they can be grouped with skyroot-crafted equivalents in the recipe book. This is probably a compatibility issue waiting...
- [ ] Aerclouds - [ ] Crystal Trees