Bret Comnes
Bret Comnes
The suggestion stems from finding my own use of `gobin` always having to set the `-m` flag. It seems like the flagged behavior is more common than the global behavior....
No problem! Sorry, sort of poor taste of me to show up and be like 'here are reasons to change your flags around'. Although a little more cumbersome imo, the...
Putting together a reproducible test case.
Oh I had no idea about that package. Is that the newer version of this tool? I can test it out
Doesn't seem to work on that file: ``` rimraf cjs/* && ucjs esm/cli cjs Warning: unable to parse /Users/bret/littlstar/sdk-js/esm/cli/index.js code SyntaxError: unknown: Unexpected export specifier type > 1 | export...
Maybe its a matter of turning on a plugin or set more options on the `@babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs` plugin in ucjs? All solutions I dig up just say turn on env, but...
Seeing some evidence that maybe `export * as` was some kind of edge case in the spec, that babel supported, but wasn't officially spec compliant. Not 100% sure on that....
Ok `export * as` is supported in `ecma-262`, but apparently not in (some) lower versions of the spec. Guessing its a matter of some esoteric babel config. Rewriting as,...
Tried adding ``` '@babel/plugin-proposal-export-namespace-from', '@babel/plugin-proposal-export-default-from', ``` To no avail.
> does ucjs break too? Not sure, just found out/was reminded of that package. I will test it out now. > why there's no "use strict"; directive in the failing...