Thanks! Here are a few other people who I think would be great reviewers Terry Therneau (therneau) - a lot of the C code in aorsf is based on his...
Oh and in case I did not mention this, `aorsf` was reviewed at rOpenSci: I believe this qualifies `aorsf` for an expedited review by JOSS, depending on how the...
Just wanted to share an update on the rOpenSci review. I did think it was about to be closed but yesterday I was assigned two more reviewers. My bad -...
Thanks for the great review! The changes you described will definitely make `aorsf` more user-friendly, and I'm happy to do that. I will get things updated in `aorsf` first and...
Happy to share updates in `aorsf` based on your thoughts above. One follow-up question: > An option to allow NA values for out-of-range predictions instead of an error. Were you...
Thank you! I will review the examples you shared and open a PR on parsnip. I noticed that my use of `deparse1` causes our tests to fail on `oldrel-3` since...
Howdy! I just want to make sure I have not forgotten anything on my list. I have - opened the PR on `parsnip` - finished the rOpenSci review - uploaded...
Great =] Thank you!
> The predict() function has an argument time which captures the times at which to predict the survival probability. The functions to do the calculations also have arguments or objects...
> I was referring to objects inside of internal helper functions when I opened this issue. That makes sense! Sorry, I misinterpreted your thought above - I think I understand...