ntCard copied to clipboard
Setting the verbosity arguments
Would it be possible to add verbosity argument to the CLI to repress writing to stdout? I am running this over many gene clusters so the outputs start to add up quickly.
Certainly, I will work on this as soon as possible.
could this output not be redirected to /dev/null as a simple solution ?
@warrenlr That was my first thought too. I am trying to integrate it into a larger python pipeline. With this setup, I tried redirecting it to /dev/null/ like this:
import subprocess
def run_ntcard(kmer, outfile, fasta_file):
nt_cmd = ['ntcard', '-t', '1', '-k', kmer, '-o', outfile, fasta_file]
subprocess.call(nt_cmd, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL)
Unfortunately, this only redirects the python output to DEVNULL and not the output from the called ntcard. In any case, this is more of an annoyance than anything so I would put it at pretty low priority. I assumed it would be fairly easy to implement.