Bernardo C.D.A. Vasconcelos
Bernardo C.D.A. Vasconcelos
Applescripts, smart rules and templates for DEVONthink 3
Scripts to add backlinks to markdown files in DEVONthink 3
My Keyboard Maestro Macro Library. Right now you'll find macros for working with DEVONthink 3, for using Pandoc and Multimarkdown and for searching both the TLG and LOEB Classical Library.
Themes I either made or adapted for Alfred, Connected Text, Folding Text, Golden Dict, Obsidian, OmniOutliner, Outlinely, Scapple, Scrivener, Tinderbox, and Ulysses.
Lua filter for Pandoc and Quarto that allows printing any field of a bibliographic entry using `[@Citekey]{.csl_field}` as in `[@Citekey]{.author}`.
📚 This extension introduces advanced bibliography features to Pandoc and Quarto's Citeproc environment. It bundles several Lua filters to address complex bibliography demands while keeping the output...
🚀 ScrivQ (Scrivener + Quarto) is a template that adapts the Scrivener writing environment to easily export multiple files, handle bibliographies and cross-references, and build a complex YAML front-m...