Bruno Cardoso Lopes
Bruno Cardoso Lopes
Local variables already have their value produced by `cir.alloca` and/or a series of casts that might get in the middle. Can you point me to the OG LLVM code you...
Nathan just did a rebase, can you please update? Sorry for the churn
Thanks for going the extra length to make sure this works!
> @bcardosolopes - is there any planned rebase anytime soon? This PR is blocked by getting the upstream patch. Alternatively, I assume we can cherry-pick it here and there's a...
@lanza rebased over the weekend, sorry for the churn. Can you rebase this PR again?
Thanks @orbiri :D
Builtin dialects are great, but it's easier overall to handle ours, which should only care about C/C++ (with its own specific semantics and target variations), and lower to these builtin...
> I couldn't find a way to avoid re-implementing the logic of the builtin float attribute parser in CIRAttr.cpp Depending on how big that is, probably a non-starter. > So...
Thanks for taking the time to improve things in MLIR upstream so we can use it, awesome!
I stumble into some neon builtins we need to build, and it's possible I might need to work on this soon. @dkolsen-pgi let me know if you have any plans...