Burak Çalık

Results 10 issues of Burak Çalık

I would like to know if imageproxy includes header like `X-Forwarded-For`, `X-Forwarded-Proto`. There must be an option to turn it on/off.

I would like to know if imageproxy includes header like X-Forwarded-For, X-Forwarded-Proto. There must be an option to turn it on/off.

Now this is how it should be. It also matches the [Schema-create-table snippet](https://github.com/Lykegenes/laravel-5-snippets/blob/18e00673d8d4a5193d7374684498bf1c7b2b03cd/snippets/Schema/Schema-create-table.sublime-snippet#L3).

Yeah, it reminded me the same thing 50 times already. How to turn it off?

Hello, I get this error when I call FitBounds and map's view is not predefined or set yet. I have to call `map.setView(latlng)` before using fitBounds, but what I actually...


It works well. Also fixed that editor config was not loading properly because of a typo.

I'm using the latest v4.0.1 version of the package on Laravel 7. I'm also using PostgreSQL 12. When I try to migrate, I get this error: ``` Method Illuminate\Database\Schema\Grammars\PostgresGrammar::typeEfficientUuid does...

I get following error while compiling. I have copied the `xwalk_core_library-16.45.421.19.aar` file from `node_modules` into `/android/app/libs` directory. But I think the required version is different while compiling. What should I...

Is there any limit about maximum number of concurrent tcp connections while working on Ubuntu server? I'm going to use it with Supervisor, do I need to start it like...

![CleanShot 2023-06-02 at 20 57 10](https://github.com/mantinedev/mantine-v7/assets/9222368/0de57d06-09c2-4f4e-8dfc-da8df7d5adc0)