Ben Brooks
Ben Brooks
I think this can be solved by utilising a worker pool to listen to incoming log entries 🎉
We're getting the same issue. More and more frequently. Right now it's happening constantly.
Hi @fourstepper , I don't use a Chrome-based browser any more, so haven't look at this in a while. As far as I remember, you can load an unpacked version...
Yep! Switched a few years ago (shortly after creating this theme actually)
Hey, On Windows, Chrome will adopt the primary Color set in the Windows theme for the frame. I might be able to override this color, let me research get back...
The website seems to limit the input of those fields to 9 behind the scenes. If you try using 10 the hash comes out the same as if you'd used...
I've had some limited success getting it to work with the [OSXvnc/Vine VNC server]( You can use BetterDummy mentioned above to create a 1404x1872 display to match the reMarkable's aspect...
I've adopted Go Mono in my IDE and terminal. It is a great font for readability/legibility after you get past the initial hurdle of using serifed fonts. It's just unfamiliar...
Actually I do, and that's a very good question that I'd not considered... I have non-retina monitors hooked up, but very rarely use them for development purposes.
Edit Makefile to remove `-Werror` from CFLAGS. It will at the very least compile (on 10.15) and give you springy sounds 😄