And if you don't want to use a thirdparty for getting total shares, you can use something like or for getting total shares.
Maybe Sharrre ( Sharrre works only with JS as far as I can see. With some small modifications, someone will be able to get the total sharings count I...
If someone is able to build this, I think the count of total shares before the buttons is the most preferable option. Because otherwise on mobiles the first button is...
Would be a lovely feature. But don't know how to configure this either.
Wow, great! Thanks for the quick response :+1:
@cubiq Does this work with the latest release? And if so, could you give us an example how to do this?
I guess we have to place this somewhere: `ga('send', 'event', 'addtohomescreen', 'yes');` I'm not sure where to place this :)
Not working for me. Tested with Android + Chrome and iOS + Safari. Do i need to change `detectHomescreen: false` to true also?
This is from a real iPhone 6 plus: `Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 8_0_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/600.1.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0 Mobile/12A405 Safari/600.1.4` Looks like its not in...