I've seen similar issues using ArcGIS sever tiles and dynamic services. One issue is where the last pending request is drawn on the map, even after calling the setLayers() method...
Custom panes applies to all types of layers, not just feature layers?
Thanks. Any thoughts on the canceling pending request issue?
Custompanes - Finally got a chance to look at this. The example link [custompanes]( is for feature layers. I need to use this with Dynamic Map Service Layers. The API...
Thanks for that info.
Here is an example of a dynamic layer not canceling a request. Toggling the checkbox calls the L.esri.dynamicMapLayer.setLayers() method. If the checkbox is checked, 4 layers are shown on...
I was experimenting with this plugin That handles canceled requests as expected. Also just found in my example the map services references it not publicly visible. The roads map...
Looks like the esri-leaflet-dynamic-advanced implements a tally of requests and deleting the image source. See this._requestCounter in the _imageLoaded method. Perhaps a better implementation would be to cancel pending requests...
I've been experimenting with this in Angular 5 CLI. The steps that worked for me were to install the ol-cesium npm package, add the scripts to the angular.json file ```...
After upgrading to the latest version 2.2, I'm getting the following Error: Uncaught ReferenceError: ol is not defined at Object.ol/geom/Point.js (olcesium.js:5577) at __webpack_require__ (olcesium.js:21) at Module../src/olcs/OLCesium.js (olcesium.js:2576) at __webpack_require__ (olcesium.js:21)...