I am using the zonoff ZigBee usb dongle and zigbee2mqtt. I used the "map" function of zigbee2mqtt to check and all routers of the network where replying, so I guess...
Hi, sorry for the slow reply, I was a bit busy. Nice to hear you have found a workaround! If you upload a hex I will test it and give...
Hmm, somehow it looks like the device is no longer working properly with the linked hex. The red LED does not light up when I insert the battery and it...
As I am currently setting up some zigbee plant sensors (thanks for this great project by the way!) I tried to reproduce the situation shown above. While I can't confirm...
Haven't managed to compile my own hex file yet so I can't test at the moment. (Hoping to get there some time around christmas, but so far have no experience...
I second that! Would be great to have an option for an invert in the shown percentage separatly!