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Monaco Editor for Vue3
In the README, the links in the 'options' prop section are broken: ``` Props width: Editor width, eg: 800px or 800. height: Editor height, eg: 800px or 800. options: The...
I get this error in the console. It still works however.. ` Error: Unexpected usage at EditorSimpleWorker.loadForeignModule (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/monaco-editor-vue3/node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/common/services/editorSimpleWorker.js:480:31) at eval (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/monaco-editor-vue3/node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/browser/services/webWorker.js:44:30) Error: Unexpected usage `
vue3、ts、vite、Monaco Editor是全部最新版本
hello, consider support vue2 with vue-demi ? 是否考虑使用 [vue-demi]( 使其对 vue2 兼容? 有些人手上的项目因为各种原因无法升级到 vue3,只需要做一点微小的工作,就可以让这个库的通用性更强。 thanks.
After a few days of struggle, I finally found out why hmr doesn't work properly in quasar. When I comment the line below everything works! ``` import MonacoEditor from "monaco-editor-vue3";...
如何对编辑器内容进行校验,比如 json 格式内容,我看官方的实例好像跟这个不太一样,这个没有 languages,我看了很多资料。 不知道具体有用例,我尝试用ajv等,但是找不到入手点
 我想要这样的效果 但是我现在只能做到diff展示  
i'm using vue3 and vite the editor loads fine and loooks fine but whne i click into an editor that has a JS/typescript worker loaded i get this erorr in...