monaco-editor-vue3 copied to clipboard
worker.getOccurrencesAtPosition is not a function
i'm using vue3 and vite the editor loads fine and loooks fine but whne i click into an editor that has a JS/typescript worker loaded i get this erorr in the console:
chunk-TS6ZI36Z.js?v=d5732d0a:885 Uncaught Error: worker.getOccurrencesAtPosition is not a function
TypeError: worker.getOccurrencesAtPosition is not a function at OccurrencesAdapter.provideDocumentHighlights (tsMode-BVLZMYN2.js?v=d5732d0a:678:34) at OccurrencesAdapter.provideDocumentHighlights (tsMode-BVLZMYN2.js?v=d5732d0a:678:34) at chunk-TS6ZI36Z.js?v=d5732d0a:885:21
can not figure this out for the life of me