solution found here:
I fixed it by setting absolute paths for LIBROOT, TOOLROOT and TEMPLATEROOT but now encounter a new error: `make: *** No rule to make target 'startup_stm32f10x.o', needed by 'Demo.elf'. Stop.`
Sorry do you mean the "startup_stm32f10x.h" file? I've done a grep search and found nothing matching this. In the same directory as Makefile.common there is a "startup_stm32f10x.c" file. Do you...
**E: download as toolchain to fix problems** Solution found (this writeup is to help those who are struggling) tl;dr copy from a github of someone who uploaded all the...
I think there's a workaround for rpi0/rpi0w/rpi02w etc. to use the 'usb-gadget mode' in order to send commands as if it's a HID device. So wired + wireless support looks...