Brian Baumhover
Brian Baumhover
If, for example, your database contains an association table for a many-to-many mapping as described here:, the many-to-many association table doesn't get dumped by alchemy dumps. This seems to...
The SDK currently returns an NSData instance containing the raw json response from the request. It might be convenient to handle the json deserialization step and convert to an NSDictionary...
The SDK doesn't specify nullability, so Swift applications will assume everything to be `_Nullable`. Would be nice to be more specific where possible.
Figure out what it would mean to support the Swift Package Manager.
There are a few items on KeenClient that shouldn't be exposed in KeenClient.h: - -runQuery, which is marked as for testing only, so should be in a test category -...
We should remove the NSCondition in KIOUploader and instead remove events from the pending event queue in the db while they are in flight. That might be moving them to...
The SDK just accepts them as a string right now, which makes mistakes easy.
The podspec deployment target is at 6, and there are other versions throughout the project. Should clean that up and also make Xcode recommended project updates. Could probably set a...
Only simple analysis and funnel handle a 429 rate-limiting response and 503 errors aren't handled at all. The current model for the SDK is to just record a 4xx http...