Can you try:- ``` docker run -it paper_getter -v results:/results \ getpapers -help ``` The first error looks like something about windows not liking the formatting of the docker run...
Can you try jamming everything onto one line? It looks like its having trouble with the linebreak. So: ``` docker run -it paper_getter getpapers --help ``` I've removed the volume...
In this command ``` docker run -it paper_getter getpapers -q viral epidemic -k 10 -o C:\users\shweata\viralepidemicstest1 -p ``` You are trying to use a location that exists on your windows...
It looks like you named your `Dockerfile`, `paper_getter`. It needs to be named `Dockerfile` or else have the extension `.Dockerfile`. The `.` at the end of the command is telling...
You don't need to write the full path. If your in the same repo you can just use `.` and Docker will search for the file called `Dockerfile`. So you...
No, the same directory as the Dockerfile
Can you try using the modified version of the get_papers repo?
The project structure should be: | |- Dockerfile |- | -- results You then build your image by running the Dockerfile using the command ``` docker build -t paper_getter...
I'm not sure how docker for windows differs from the linux version. It was my understanding that docker for windows ran in a shell. Are you using the command line...
Just checking you have capitalized the D in `dockerfile`? Can you send me the result of `ls` in the directory you are building in?