Bas Tuijnman
Bas Tuijnman
Hi Tom, In this case we can just do `return device.hideElement(options)` right? Cheers, Bas
We're not using the `bindProgressIndicator()` method. This bug seems messes up the `_listIndex` property of a listitem when using data binding and the manually removing and adding a widget (for...
You're overriding the widget strip you just populated by doing: ```javascript this._carousel.setWidgetStrip(CullingStrip); ``` I suggest doing it directly after creating the carousel itself.
We can't really know what you're doing based on only the formatter code. We have nested carousels without any problem, but that's all business code that we're not going to...
You're still setting the culling strip last in the `test_carousel_formatter.txt` file Also, set breakpoints using the debugger statement, it will help you figure out what's going on. Which is way...
Then set debugger statements after every important to see what's going on in the carousels themselves to figure out what's going wrong. Maybe there is something wrong with your datasource...