There is more demand for this functionality, check this topic on Together:
> help, what is my problem here? I already have openSSL enabled in PHP Hi, Can you maybe create (and test) a simple PHP-script with only the following contents? ```php
Check also this installation info of OpenSSL:
> I'm still having hardtime. The libcrypto exist already on my apache and php but still not works. Is OpenSSL active and enabled in the PHPinfo output? And is...
@OGKevin @kojoru There is something "strange" with the returnvalue of $responseArray in the function fromJsonList() (in BunqModel): The attachment object in the end of the file is strange.. ?...
> found it :) > > ``` > "attachment": { > "id": 3647492, > "description": "", > "content_type": "image\/jpeg" > } > ``` > is an object but, this is...
@kojoru Any update on this small bug?
Hi! Check the following topic: And this Medium blog:
@Ciatzo @angelomelonas I've had to add this excludes getting it to work in my Android app/widget: ``` configurations { all { exclude group: "javax.activation", module: "javax.activation-api" exclude group: "jakarta.xml.bind", module:...
@Ciatzo You can add this line as dependency to your build.gradle to fix that error: ```implementation group: 'xerces', name: 'xercesImpl', version: '2.12.0'```