@kiddin9 可以加个套 https://github.com/AdguardTeam/dnsproxy/releases ./dnsproxy -p 5353 -u --ipv6-disabled
Are these message send from asterisk server? This is known issue since Linphone 4.2.2, and my personal fix pasted below, you might re-compile asterisk from source code to solve this...
> > > Are these message send from asterisk server? This is known issue since Linphone 4.2.2, and my personal fix pasted below, you might re-compile asterisk from source code...
Here is some sample MESSAGE logs from asterisk server side, it seems Flexisip server eat the SIP signal to linphone client. ` SIP/2.0 100 Trying Via: SIP/2.0/TLS;rport=41031;branch=z9hG4bKPjadcb7461-802b-4bea-a87b-be79729f9570;alias From: ;tag=e023c744-d2db-4633-bb45-c29844495c2a...
Seems caused by the SIP signal cache on Flexisip server side. I login with the same account on linphone-desktop and linphone-android, got lots of messages which I send previously. and...
I switch the sip server from asterisk to flexisip, this issue did not happen again. So I guess, it might be caused by interaction with none flexisip compatible server, especially...
you can use another account like https://chat.mozilla.org/ to exclude the problem that might come with your miss synapse configuration.
@rumz26 @estylib @ziv-gabel enable logs on your synapse server, check out if your client connecting the synapse server to fetch the latest encrypted msg when receiving a new notification. The...
偿试在旧手机(rooted)里跑chinadns-ng,发现termux里创建不了ipset. 需求+1
> 不是同一个问题,这里讨论的是 域名列表,ipset是ip列表(集合)相关的。关于ipset的替代,目前不考虑哈。 呃 看成geoip:cn了.