Bas Milius

Results 16 comments of Bas Milius

> Another point in favor of waiting here is that there is a chance we end up [replacing PostCSS with LigthingCSS in the future]( Any news on when this will...

Hi! From designing and animating the icons it's easier for me to have a 512x512 pixel canvas. I do however agree that the whitespace is a lot sometimes though. I've...

Yes, it's hard to crop them before exporting because of some animations that are using elements that go out of their view box. Cropping static versions of the icons could...

Design done in 606dc4d9575520e2e99d2ffa866b03dc53409cf3

I'm not familiar with fonts either, but I can take a look at it. Not sure if animations will be supported.

Update, I think I have something... I'm currently working on monochrome static versions of the icons, those can be turned into a font. There's a node.js package that can do...

I think the lottie converter mentioned by @nelioyann is the best option here. A few weeks ago I tried exporting animated gifs from After Effects, but I'm not really keen...

Hi! I'll look into that :)

Hi Hiljo! Thanks for using my icons and the positive message! I'm currently working on a major overhaul of the icons and will include your requested icons in the new...

Hi @aes-alienrip, i'll take a look at that! I'm currently almost finished with making 3.0 on par with 2.0, after that I'll design all the icons requested in this issue...