Bastien Dejean

Results 62 comments of Bastien Dejean

@john2x You shouldn't use color indexes below _16_: otherwise you're referencing your own terminal colors.

If it happens, it would be a rewrite (probably in Rust) with a testable core.

_dwm_ uses the _dirty hack_: it doesn't map/unmap anything.

You might want to try the [`hide_by_moving`]( branch. If I remember correctly, a desktop flickering bug can be triggered when `focus_follows_pointer` is set.

The *X.Org* events can be [recorded](

@instantepiphany do you have `focus_follows_pointer` or `pointer_follows_focus` set in `bspwmrc`?

@emanuele6 I've used your test case: the script previously didn't print `bye` when switching desktops and now it does. Am I missing something?

@emanuele6 You're right: in fact I think the electron window really wants a `LeaveNotify` event. So if you have a floating window in another desktop, and your pointer is inside...

I've noticed that both *spectrwm* and *i3* pass the timestamp of the last received event as the last argument to `xcb_set_input_focus` while *bspwm* passes `XCB_CURRENT_TIME`.