Bash Stack
Bash Stack
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** I'm always frustrated when [...]  **Describe the solution you'd like** Let me change projects and customers without changing...
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** * when selecting a project with unique name , the assigned cusomer has to be selected as well ( the...
The password reset dialog ( and the console command ) allow weak passwords like `abc123`
As the beta link is down , suggesting like ### Changes description ### Checklist Please check if your PR fulfills the following specifications: - [ ] Tests for the...
* with the curl version `--data-urlencode` is properly encoded * with wget ( both single and double quoted) `--body-data ` fails as soon as `&` or `?` appears in string
`[critical] kanboard-duedate: Unable to load this plugin class: \Kanboard\Plugin\kanboard-duedate\Plugin` * most recent kanboard * tons of plugins work , but this not