Results 7 comments of MK

Can confirm. I have this problem with blog posts and any custom post types so far.

So apparently, saving a post should add an entry to the table wp_{subsitenumber}_postmeta which states that my post should have a _thumbnail_id of the image I chose, but this doesn't...

Guten Tag, vielen Dank für Ihre Nachricht. Dies ist eine automatisch generierte Antwort. Ich bin bis inkl. 22.08.2021 im Urlaub und ab 23.08.2021 wieder in München zu erreichen. Mit freundlichen...

Would be pretty cool, because in that case I could backup to my home NAS. 👍

This fixes an issue when there is more than one slash (as in "/foo/bar") in the URL that is to be redirected.

Time tracking in Nextcloud would be so great, although I don't think time entries should necessarily be tied to a task. Not everything you do is always related to an...

Just for the record, I've removed my bounty from Bountysource after they announced a ToS change that stated they would retain the money after a 2 year period. They've withdrawn...