Bart Versluijs
Bart Versluijs
This'll add the 'RemoveListener' function for the root emitter. You can remove listeners when you create a new emitter, but this library supports an emitter out of the box, I...
I've spent quite some time in creating a Helm Chart for Kubernetes to deploy openBalena via Kubernetes. I'm confident now that this Helm Chart is stable enough to be supported...
Hi, The quickstart script fails on macs because LibreSSL is used by default (or at least it's on my mac). To solve this, I've to add a little part to...
Hi, I need the new `VuetableFieldMixin`, so I'm using the `next` package. I've created some Field Components, and it does exactly what I want. However, there seems to be a...
Hi all, I'm trying to add a custom interceptor to the Balena request. Everything works as expected, however, only when a `BalenaRequestError` occurs, the Request Options are passed in the...
## Expected Behavior I'm using the Balena SDK to communicate with my openBalena server. I create an SDK instance like this: ```ts import { getSdk } from 'balena-sdk'; const balenaInstance...
Hi, I'm trying out the most recent release of the API (v0.143.0), but while provisioning a device (Raspberry Pi 4, BalenaOS 2.80.5+rev1 (development), supervisor v12.8.7) I get the following error...
Hi, I'm using version v0.19.5 of the API, so I don't know whether this is changed or not. But this is the latest release of I've been busy with...
Hi, There's [default middleware]( enabled that always redirects http to https. Because the application doesn't handle HTTPS certs, but, for example, HAProxy does, why is this necessary in the API?...
I've updated the following dependencies: - Updated open-balena-db to 5.2.1 (minor change) - Updated open-balena-registry to 2.37.2 (minor change) - Updated open-balena-s3 to 2.25.2 (minor change) - Updated open-balena-vpn to...