Bartek Iwańczuk

Results 361 comments of Bartek Iwańczuk

> The protocol for serialization between plugins and `deno_lint` would be cap'n proto, right? Just to have a standard. This way it wouldn't break. That's highly unlikely, there's no need...

Update: the plugin system had been implemented long time ago by @magurotuna in `examples/dlint`: Once lands we'll be unblocked to add support for plugins in `deno` itself.

Discussed offline with @magurotuna, we got a clear plan how to ship this feature in the near future. Most likely we'll go with simple JS API to register multiple rules...

@cdaringe that would require support for emitting ESLint compatible AST (estree) from SWC. There was but it hadn't moved anywhere. Current idea by @dsherret is to add a slower...

@jespertheend the trouble is, we got a bespoke API ready for plugins, but that API is completely different to ESLint's API. Different as in, the AST is different and methods...

Update: recommended set of rules from `ESLint` and `typescript-eslint` have been implemented. We can now proceed to working towards better diagnostics and suggestions for lint rules as well as tentatively...

Hey @JamesHenry, thanks for dropping by! > I’m just curious, were any experiments undertaken to try and ingest rules as they exist today (in TS) but execute them in rust?...

> Lots of great things happening around this project and it's great to see. I wanted to stop in here and _very gently_ add some feedback into the pool. Since...

@traceypooh thanks for the feedback. I'm interested in helping you out with the migration, could you please open a new issue listing which rules you use that are missing so...

> Is autofix near future or distant future? At this point in time, there are no plans for when "autofix" feature could be delivered (or if it will be delivered...