Chet Husk

Results 587 comments of Chet Husk

@joj here's another - I've made a new label called 'Area-esproj' for tickets related to the javascript project system. It would be great if your team could periodically check this...

From a design perspective, it's also nice as a user when the _easy_ thing is also the fast/correct thing.

Interesting catch - I was specifically trying to mimic some LSP Spec documentation that referred to another member, so maybe that means this is a much smaller request - extending...

That's all my immediate use case required, bit I didn't want to immediately go to supporting arbitrary interpolated strikes because I know that won't work with the requirement that attribute...

@jeffkl mind dropping a link to what you're seeing that logic? I'd hope that `fsproj` at minimum were also considered there and I want to ensure parity.

This conversation is shaking my entire worldview - I was _certain_ that the condition parser broke on unquoted missing properties.

yeah I noticed the names as well (though truly those are bugs on the vscode side of things).

+1 on docs - each of our diagnostics should be able to specify some kind of help link to follow for each recognizable issue, and we should create the pages...

Something like this should be enabled now that 'project context' and 'constraints' were implemented for .NET 7. Item Template authors should be able to define constraints on the different templates...

I did some digging into the installed SDK and I'm not sure the F# props and targets add a `ProjectCapability` for `FSharp`. This may be a miss on our part...