Chet Husk

Results 587 comments of Chet Husk

yeah, that's why the built-in stuff doesn't work for any of the F# frameworks except those that use raw minimal APIs. the frameworks have to develop their own ways of...

@tylerhartwig has been working on bolero client side hotreload using portacode here: it's at the point where we can find the update function to replace, but re-evaluating the current...

Oh great! Feel free to ping me anytime about it. It was easy to do with giraffe because the overall model was a reference to a single handler, so if...

For what it's worth, over at [Ionide.LanguageServerProtocol]( (the library that powers FsAutoComplete and csharp-language-server), we use StreamJsonRpc. It's a bit fiddly usage, because we grafted it on over our bespoke...

I believe I was thinking along one of two axes: * for client-side blazor I meant runtime heaviness. the mono wasm runtime is large. client-side blazor is not directly related...

Nice @clairernovotny, that will reduce a lot of the boilerplate!

Don't use snupkg, it's so much work for so little reward. Just embed the pdb into your dll using `embedded` and enjoy. Not all tooling knows how to use snupkg,...

In my understanding, you'll want to use `EmbedAllSources` true if you're making use of the auto-generated AssemblyInfo.fs files. If you're generating via some other mechanism or handwriting those, then they'll...

@rmunn speaking to your point about wanting to run the same target again and again, with no other dependencies, FAKE has a syntax for this: `fake run build.fsx -s -t...

For my case in particular, the web links to the store work, but when I click the 'Get' button to launch the Microsoft Store on my Windows 11 host, the...