Chet Husk

Results 704 comments of Chet Husk

Correct - there's no inheritance here. Each template is an island.

We set the language of those files to 'MSBuild' so that tooling and extensions like the TinToy MSBuild service would 'light up'. You can change those files back to '...

I wouldn't encourage Ionide to pop up notifications - VSCode extensions already clutter the notifications area unnecessarily. I could be convinced to add this extension to our `extensionPacks` metadata -...

Yeah, I think so - I bet we could search for these errors and return more gracefully!

@felickz how was the SDK installed on the Linux host? If via a package manager, using that package manager's commands for uninstalling the SDK would be my suggestion. This tool...

I just installed 8.0.101 via the package installer on my M2 Macbook and was able to invoke `dotnet` after installation - though I _did_ need to restart my terminal application...

Just a note that if we take this we should update the official schema for global.json files that's over in [SchemaStore]( to declare the new properties (and link to docs...

One thing to consider: how does this impact CI/CD setups like GitHub Actions' actions/setup-dotnet? I'd hope that those actions could learn to check for this new field and install the...

I had a chat with @clairernovotny a bit ago and we covered a few points of interest to this design. There are a few major points that we covered around...

This tool uses the `DocumentSymbolProvider` API to discover tests, and FSAC (the main LSP Server Implementation for F#) doesn't implement this yet. I'll add an issue there, and when this...