Barney Carroll
Barney Carroll
@porsager leading comma followed by asterisk is "me and all my children", very useful… And I'm not sure how @fuzetsu's (awesome, DO IT!) proposal would accommodate this!
Actually my idea was just ` = x =>`. But - I didn't realise only `style` was enumerated during spread, which is really neat! I need to step away...
Yeah I can do this in userland. Unshakeable thought tough - I'm wondering if we could somehow overload BSS with an iterator API to expose `class`. So `m(X, ...b())` yields...
Yes, that last thing was my original thought. The class hack is a bit silly, I realise. The point is, when composing many parts of a whole, with conditional classes...
FFS I need to sleep, my brain is muck!
Yes, much the same. Remember we were talking about the problem of accidental downstream collisions? Straw man: ```js export const color = b.var('buttonColour') export const Button = b` border-radius: 3px;...
I got it working. This code breaks BSS default workflow but allows the whole sheet to be accessed consistently: ```js import b from 'bss' let style = '' export ()...
I mostly use flems on mobile where A) this feature would be extremely useful B) the existing UI controls (halt, refresh, results link) are slightly confusing because they look like...
God knows what Windows users are getting TBH ;P – So this is basically a way of avoiding manually invoking babel and tape as separate strings on the command line?
I prefer personally `?`, but I think it's worth unpacking 'visually confusing'. I think the statement that it is visually confusing in relation to the two other stage 1 proposals...