Barış Yıldırım

Results 59 comments of Barış Yıldırım

The probable cause of the problem is that the text value is null. Please use the value "" instead of the null value if you want to empty the text...

I have a same problem.

Probably feature because TextFieldAutoSize is enum

Please open the issue to the repo below.

I think pooling needs to be thread-based.

I am having the spacing problem with Windows, Mac and Android targets

It may be from the renderer, can you try it on the canvas renderer?

toTexture method costs almost nothing, for thread-safety you should run this method in the main thread. OpenGL is single thread supported, so you can't make gl calls in another thread.

Can you please give more details? -Which version of flash player are you experiencing the problem with? -What is your operating system? -Are you viewing swf output with flash player...

This script installs as it should and I am leaving it as an example.