barbedknot ``` C:\Users\User>gallery-dl ←[1;33mpatreon: no 'session_id' cookie set←[0m ←[1;33mdownload: OSError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument: '\\\\?\\C:\\Users\\User \\gallery-dl\\patreon\\DORKINHORKIN\\DORKINHORKIN_47441611_Top 10 Reasons Why Yo u Need A Big Sister_Z0FBQUFBQmkzZ0kwdE4yTjh1MVNkcFIxVk4zTEE1TGZfcnVkVEl5d25nX3dw dlZ1bk5tdkZ1Unp4UG9kay1ZbmFHMEl1SFd0YkJZbWEwU0l0MjVLVGNCMDU1c3RKblh5SEp0OUhzRW1S MERnbzl2bnl5VFpoN1h3MkJPLWFYSGRjazZMcXBkOExHY09Hc1hpb2JnWG84YTVjWERUa3dlMzZad28z d09VcTZKU2F5YmQ3NXpiMUtmWm1zZXdrQ0ZjVmhZSUd4MUZpVmcyZWVGSUtQcFd0bzJUSjdURHE5UXQx dz09#95716343__2021-02-12...
As it is, the Hangons exports (and the original "Hangouts.json" file) rely on the images hosted on google's servers, which isn't ideal for archival, because they may at any point...
At the moment, Hangons offers exporting to simplified JSON, plain text, comma separated value, and HTML. Every option exports each conversation into their own file, except for "simplified JSON", which...
> { > "conversation_id": { > "id": "[censored]" > }, > "sender_id": { > "gaia_id": "[censored]", > "chat_id": "[censored]" > }, > "timestamp": "[censored]", > "self_event_state": { > "user_id": {...